Antares Vitamin E TGPS is an easily-absorbable, bioavailable supplement that delivers natural, water-soluble vitamin E right to your animal’s system.

Typical Uses in Animal Nutrition:


  • Premixes

  • Concentrates

  • High potent vitamin E

  • Nutrients and nutrient blends with enhanced absorption and bioavailability


  • Liquids

  • Powders

  • Gels

  • Tablets

  • Blocks


Advantages of Antares Vitamin E TPGS:

  • Available in a variety of grades, including NF, FG, and non-GMO Sunflower TPGS™ (NF and FG)

  • Established history—over 50 years of safe, reliable use

  • Proven versatility and efficiency in formulating solid and liquid nutrient mixtures

  • Melts at body temperature

  • Readily mixes with water

  • Readily forms emulsions of oil in water

  • Readily disperses onto powders

  • Solubilizes a wide range of oils and poorly-soluble nutrients

  • Supplies natural d-α-tocopherol in a water-soluble form. This is desirable because the natural form of vitamin E, d-α-tocopherol, is universally acknowledged by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the National Academy of Science (NAS) to be more potent than its synthetic duplicate, dl-α-tocopherol.

  • Enhances the absorption and bioavailability of oil-soluble nutrients and natural compounds 


Superior Source of Vitamin E for Animals:

  • Zoo Animals — especially elephants and black rhinoceros—commonly suffer from vitamin E deficiencies. Supplementation with synthetic dl-α-tocopheryl acetate, the traditional forms of vitamin E found in animal feed fortifications and supplements, fails to correct this deficiency. TPGS has been shown to increase vitamin E levels in animals by using natural, highly-absorbable d-α-tocopherol instead.

  • Horses — especially racing horses—have increased needs for vitamin E. TPGS was shown to rapidly increase the vitamin E blood levels of horses, especially in comparison to the synthetic dl-α-tocopheryl acetate commonly used in feeds and supplements.

  • Pets and Other Animals - Genetics, age, and other conditions that affect nutrient requirements can require highly absorbable and bioavailable vitamin E.

If you need additional assistance regarding the use of Antares Vitamin E TPGS in your specific application, please Contact Us . For basic handling and use guidelines for Antares Vitamin E TPGS, see How To Use TPGS. Download Safety Data Sheet, Product Data Sheet and additional product documentation from our Documentation page